Thursday 21 June 2007


Oh yes, the continuing saga of the market terrace (or 'in front of HMV' as it is more commonly known).

Many words have been expended in the Press and on BBC Radio Guernsey on the matter, mostly about whether this is an eyesore which the Environment Department should be cracking down on.

But looking back through the pages of the Press, before the marquee appeared, you wonder what happened to other plans for this area. Back in July 2006, John Silvester, the States head of estates, said:

"The potential for Market Square and terrace overlooking the Town Church will be considerable for all sorts of events: the world is your oyster. It gives Culture and Leisure the opportunity to do all sorts of things."

And as recently as March 2007, reporter Nick Mollet interviewed Brett Allen, Director of McAulay. The article assured that "plans were at an advanced stage for a 'local market' on Church Square terrace, to run on Fridays and Saturdays."

Street entertainment and a weekly local market are sadly lacking in Town at the moment, and the community-minded intentions of the States and McCaulay to subsidise these activities was highly welcome. But since taxpayers entrusted this space to their care, the purpose for which it has been used has fallen drastically short of expectations.

Renting out the space without appropriate permission was bad enough. But will the States and McAulay be held to account for selling out on their promises for how this space would be used?

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