Saturday 1 March 2008

Brief introspective moment

I haven't posted to this blog for 197 days. Which is a shame, because I've often thought of things to post about and then forgotten about them. And then later I might hear something on the radio or read something in the paper which made me wish I'd posted them. In fact that's happened a lot.

The reason I stopped posted is partly because I have a lifestyle which very rarely permits me to sit down for an hour, in private, and collect my thoughts - unless I get up at 4am and do it.

I've also been thinking about what the point of this blog is (if any) and, basically, whether any bloody good will come of it. Anyhow, I thought seeing as there's a general election soon, I might as well give blogging another shot.

That's quite enough about me. Me is a terrifically boring topic, and there are far too many bloggers already writing about it. And anyway, my private blog-writing idyll is just about to be shattered...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm quite glad you're back - for what it's worth.